Webinar: Carp Cafeteria – Biodiversity & Nature’s Food Market in the Carp Hills

Webinar by Janet Mason.
Thursday, 24 March at 7:30 pm via Zoom.
Free, but you need to register.

The Carp Hills and its wetlands are nature’s food market. Like all the different stalls at the Carp Farmer’s Market, each local ecosystem offers its own diverse collection of dining options for wildlife.  Plants, insects, nectar, animals, eggs, larva – the unique menus across the varied terrain appeal to different mixes of species.

Learn how the Carp Hills’ unique landscape supports high biodiversity, why this is important, and what you can do to support biodiversity in your own garden wherever you live.

Round-leaved Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) in the Carp Hills.
Carnivorous Round-leaved Sundew in the Carp Hills.

Janet Mason has been observing nature in the Carp Hills for almost two decades. As a member of both the Ottawa and Macnamara Field Naturalists’ Clubs, she is grateful to all the people who have shared their knowledge about nature with her over the years of her continuing education.

Janet is one of the founders of Friends of the Carp Hills and is currently its Chair.  She strongly supports Friends of the Carp Hills’ mission to balance conservation with human activity by engaging stakeholders in the protection and stewardship of ecosystems and biodiversity in the Carp Hills.