
We are volunteers working to preserve the Canadian Shield landscape of the Carp Hills, which is unique within Ottawa. At 4000 hectares, this municipal nature reserve is the city’s second large natural area, a candidate Provincial and Regional ANSI, and a Provincially Significant wetland complex.

We believe that without careful stewardship the special ecology of the Carp Hills will be lost for future generations. Our challenge is to strike a balance between the desire to experience the natural beauty of the Carp Hills with protection and conservation.

Our goal is to preserve areas of the Carp Hills wilderness for conservation and areas for public recreation.

We work collaboratively with residents, landowners, the City of Ottawa, businesses, and community groups to achieve this goal. 

Our Carp Hills are home for bears, deer, fishers, otters, eagles and hawks and owls, beavers, coyotes, turtles, salamanders, snakes, and hundreds more creatures and unusual plants – all functioning together to sustain a diversity of life.

Taking guidance from First Nations wisdom, “the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.”  

Seven Generations thinking means we need to be more than just “users” of the land. We need to be Stewards of the Carp Hills, looking beyond ourselves and our desires to how we fit within the natural world in a sustainable way.

Our Carp Hills are unique, beautiful, and transcendent. It’s up to us all to be stewards of the land for future generations.

Learn about the Carp Hills.

Use only authorized trails on public property.

Minimize your impact – leave only footprints, take only memories.

Do not trespass on private property or in areas for conservation.

Get Involved: volunteer, become a member, donate.